Pass: uuids with current time have expected order
Pass: uuids with time option have expected order
Pass: IDs created at same msec are different
Pass: Exception thrown when > 10K ids created in 1 ms
Pass: Clock regression by msec increments the clockseq
Pass: Clock regression by nsec increments the clockseq
Pass: Explicit options produce expected id
Pass: Ids spanning 1ms boundary are 100ns apart
Pass: Short parse
Pass: Dirty parse
Sanity check 10000 v1 uuids
Sanity check 10000 v4 uuids
Checking v4 randomness. Distribution of Hex Digits (% deviation from ideal)
Pass: 0 |================================| 19000 (1.33% < 2%)
Pass: 1 |================================| 18694 (-0.3% < 2%)
Pass: 2 |================================| 18695 (-0.29% < 2%)
Pass: 3 |================================| 18834 (0.45% < 2%)
Pass: 4 |==================================================| 28808 (0.2% < 2%)
Pass: 5 |================================| 18816 (0.35% < 2%)
Pass: 6 |================================| 18538 (-1.13% < 2%)
Pass: 7 |================================| 18749 (-0.01% < 2%)
Pass: 8 |====================================| 21115 (-0.64% < 2%)
Pass: 9 |=====================================| 21435 (0.87% < 2%)
Pass: a |====================================| 21151 (-0.47% < 2%)
Pass: b |====================================| 20986 (-1.24% < 2%)
Pass: c |================================| 18962 (1.13% < 2%)
Pass: d |================================| 18850 (0.53% < 2%)
Pass: e |================================| 18748 (-0.01% < 2%)
Pass: f |================================| 18619 (-0.7% < 2%)
Performance testing v1 UUIDs
uuid.v1(): 2000000 uuids/second
uuid.v1('binary'): 1666666 uuids/second
uuid.v1('binary', buffer): 3333333 uuids/second
Performance testing v4 UUIDs
uuid.v4(): 1250000 uuids/second
uuid.v4('binary'): 1250000 uuids/second
uuid.v4('binary', buffer): 1428571 uuids/second